Difference between One and Three Talaq:
Many Muslims think that a Talaq (Divorce) will be valid when it will be pronounce 3 times (Triple Talaq). So if a husband wants to be separate from his wife, he gives 3 Talaq. But this recognition is just an error. Truth is that Talaq will be valid even if it will be pronounced 1 or 2 times.
With one or two Talaq also, couples may be separate forever. After one or two Talaq, wife, after 'Iddat' period, can do a second marriage and she can be of other forever. Or if she wishes, can marry former husband again.
In case of 3 Talaq, a man can marry his ex-wife if the
ex-wife makes a marriage with other man and other man divorces her or the other
man dies. So it's better that if a husband wants to be separate
from his wife One Talaq (or 2 Talaq) should be pronounced. Similarly, if a wife
asks divorce from husband through 'Khula', she should take One Talaq (or 2
Talaq) only. This One Talaq (or 2 Talaq) will give advantage in the future and
if they wish to marry again each other, can marry without any embarrassment.
Differences about Triple Talaq:
There are some differences about Triple Talaq among
Islamic scholars. Some believe that if Triple Talaq are pronounced at one time
or same gathering, it will be treated as One. As per these Islamic scholars, Triple
Talaq will be counted as Three if Triple Talaq are pronounced in 3 different
But other Islamic scholars believe that Triple Talaq will
be counted Three even if it pronounced together or separately. As per their
explanation, Triple Talaq are like "three cups of effective poison’, it will
impact a man if he drink in a joke, anger or intoxication position.
Allah dislikes divorce:
Talaq is even Halal but Allah dislikes it. According to a
hadith, when a husband divorces his wife, chair of Allah, is shaken. So, it should
be avoided as far as possible. Before divorce, should be resolve the
differences. To resolve the differences, a meeting should be organized with parents,
guardians and Islamic scholars. It should be noted that every human being has
some error and nobody is 100 percent perfect. Proceed with life and ignore each
other's mistakes.
If there is no option remaining to live together in harmony
then use a “cup of poison of divorce” and use only one “cup of poison of divorce”
to be separate so that if you repent in the future, you can atone .
- Mohammad Khurshid Alam
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